Getting Set Up for Success to File Your Taxes in 2024 With every new year comes new possibilities! That includes opportunities to make your tax filing process as seamless as possible for the upcoming 2024 tax season. Even with the best tax experts by your side, some...
Business Accounting
7 Year-End Bookkeeping Do’s and Don’ts for 2022
7 Year-End Bookkeeping Do's and Don'ts for 2022As 2022 comes to a close, our Lifetime Tax Advisors want to ensure you are prepared for year-end bookkeeping procedures that will affect your 2022 tax return(s). People often concentrate on the profit and loss, not...
Business Tax Tips: 4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Bookkeeping
Business Tax Tips: 4 Ways to Spring Clean Your BookkeepingSpring is in the air, and the smell of new beginnings is palpable! It's also a busy time for businesses across all industries, with the arrival of tax season. Most business owners know that effective...
4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Tax Advisor
4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Tax AdvisorTaxes are an inevitable part of owning and operating any business, large and small – they are also one of the biggest financial drains on business owners, when left in the wrong hands. If you’re ready to make 2021 a better...